Risk of Sexual Abuse of Children (ROSAC)
Structured Professional Guideline for Assessing the Risk a Sexual Abuser Poses to a Child and Making Contact Decisions
by Robert J. McGrath, Heather M. Allin & Georgia F. Cumming
The ROSAC is a structured professional guide to help professionals assess the risk a sexual abuser poses to a particular child and under what circumstances the abuser might safely be allowed contact with the child.
It is designed to be used by:
Typical situations in which theROSACmay be helpful are:
TheROSAC is composed of 30 items that are empirically or theoretically linked to sexual reoffending and are each coded on a 3-point scale. The items focus on key considerations about the sexual abuser, child at potential risk, and primary caregiver.
The ROSAC Manual includes a step-by-step method for helping professionals make these important risk of sexual harm decisions. The manual consists of worksheets for documenting the decision making process. These worksheets may be downloaded from the Safer Society Press website and reprinted at no cost by individuals and organizations that purchase the ROSAC Manual.
Click here to visit Robert McGrath's website - McGrath Psychological Services, PC